Tag: PUPs

Trendtweakonlinenews.com: A Guide to Removing This Browser Hijacker

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, Trendtweakonlinenews.com emerges as a deceptive…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 4 Min Read

PDFtoDocPro: Unveiling the Dangers Lurking Within

In the labyrinth of cyberspace, where users navigate the digital terrain seeking…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 4 Min Read

WS Screenshot Generator: Understanding and Removing the Potentially Unwanted Application

In the digital landscape, threats to cybersecurity come in various forms, and…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 4 Min Read

Dawletry.co.in: A Browser Hijacker Threat

In the realm of cybersecurity, vigilance is key to safeguarding one's online…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 4 Min Read

ControlDivision: Understanding and Removing Adware Malware

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity threats, adware remains a persistent nuisance,…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 4 Min Read

Demseemu[.]com: A Deceptive Cyber Menace

In the vast expanse of the internet, lurking amidst legitimate websites and…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 4 Min Read

Understanding the Threat of Endsupreme.com Browser Hijacker

In the digital landscape, where convenience meets risk, malicious actors continuously devise…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 5 Min Read