Tag: Malware

FoggyWeb Malware is Associated with the Advanced Persistent Threat Group NOBELIUM

FoggyWeb Malware, associated with the Advanced Persistent Threat group NOBELIUM, is yet…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 2 Min Read

Outdated Security Solution RAV Antivirus is Spreading Through Bundled Downloads

RAV Antivirus is an antiquated security solution developed and published by GeCAD…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 2 Min Read

Adware Pusher Bestfaustcaptcha.top May Mislead Users Into Subscribing to Push Notifications

One tactic that has been quite popular among intrusive online marketers is…

itfunk_admin itfunk_admin 2 Min Read

RedLine Stealer malware is designed to steal data from PC users

RedLine Stealer is a multi-faceted malware capable of extracting a victim's information…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 2 Min Read

Gamaredon Group is an APT That Targets Victims in Ukraine

Advanced persistent threat (or APT) groups have really come of age in…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 2 Min Read

Leftover CLSID Registry Keys are a Common PC Issue Due to Improper Uninstallation of Apps

CLSID, also known as Class Identifier, is a string of alphanumeric symbols…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 3 Min Read

Crypto-Mining Trojans May Masquerade as the Legitimate ‘AggregatorHost.exe’ Process

There have been reports by Windows users about the AggregatorHost.exe process running…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 2 Min Read

Malware May Masquerade as the Legitimate ‘msedge.exe’ Windows Process

If you are a Windows user, you may notice that there is…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 3 Min Read

The Legitimate “UnrealCEFSubProcess” is Often Impersonated By Malware

In the neverending online game between hackers and potential victims, new methods…

ITFunk Research ITFunk Research 3 Min Read